First Beach Trip of the Year

Read my latest blog on dealing with sunburn and avoiding skin peeling.

My family went on our first beach trip this past Sunday. We chose our favorite beach- Clearwater. We haven’t been to Clearwater in several years. We went with several friends and they all tried to talk us out of Clearwater. We wouldn’t hear of it. We were set. So we arrived to overpay for parking.. and to end up on a pretty crowded beach. It was a rough start but the waves were pretty much nonexistent  (which was wonderful for the kids) and we had the best day. Lots of friends and the kids got to play with their cousins and friends. We absolutely had a blast. 

Now it’s Wednesday and I have one word for you: Sunburned. 3 days after our beach trip I am finally able to wear regular clothes Lol I’m a bit of a professional at not peeling. Just ask my husband. Lol But this time I was thinking Sunday night I really messed up. I really got way too much sun. Going forward.. goal #1 Don’t let the summer ruin my skin.

So just as soon as I’ve gotten all the sand off me I start my ritual. I never use less than two lotions.. and I never apply them less than 3 times a day. (My husband always thinks I’m crazy… let the gel dry and then immediately apply some lotion Lol I think after 5 years he has realized that I’m onto something!) This time it’s been a variety of lotions and gels. Normally I do this because I don’t want to peel; however, now I’m genuinely getting concerned about taking care of my skin. I’ve been working on a sun spot on my face for about a year! Trying to get it to fade and not be discolored. Hopefully I haven’t undone all that hard work.

In any case, I’ve mainly used 1 product on my face. And I really feel that it has saved the day.

At the time I purchased this Nutraeffects Radiance Day Cream I had no idea it would hydrate so well it would stop sunburned peeling. This stuff has been amazing. I use it everyday, along with some other products… normally. However, since my sunburn I have stopped using my Vitamin C Serum. The serum is wonderful and I still love it; however, when I first started using it and recommending it to me friends I noticed right away an “alcohol skin drying characteristic”. For this reason every bottle I sold- I made sure and told my friends to use a moisturizer with the Vitamin C Serum. It has never dried my face out. But I could definitely see where it would without a good moisturizer. 

So, in my current situation any products that add any drying effects are off limits. 

So for the rest of me I’ve been using several products:

This beautiful little tube of blue bliss cost me about $1.99 from Avon last year. I gave several as gifts and I held on to about 3 of them, knowing that me & my boys spends summers at beaches and lakes. Unfortunately, Avon stopped selling them after last summer. I’m looking for the 2017 replacement item to come out soon.. once summer reaches all the other parts of the country. Florida doesn’t really know spring. We know summer. Already in the 90’s around here?? Yep.. it’s summer. The $10 or so I spend on this after-sun aloe gel has paid for itself in my home about 100 times since last summer! Awesome stuff!

Now.. I’m all Avon, most of the time. I ordered this It Works! Defining gel from one of my mothers-in-law. It was $75!!! No typo… $75! They call it liquid gold. It’s pretty good. And I have used it a couple times on my shoulders (that are slightly starting to peel). It is super hydration. It has done the job for sure. But prior to this sunburn I wouldn’t hardley use it. The price I paid.. I always felt I was wasting it. Lol

I’ve been slathering up in this Radiant Moisture Body Lotion. It doesn’t make my skin greasy but it moisturizes and the scent isn’t too strong. I have this big one pictured at home, as well as a smaller size on my desk at work. I’ve never used my “office lotion” more than this last week. Lol I’m usually a germ-a-phobe, sanitizer freak. But not this week! #goals #nopeeling

This is another lotion that’s been a great friend this week. Moisture Therapy Ultra Hydration Body Lotion. My lower didn’t get as burned as my upper.. so I’ve been using this on my legs to restore some hydration. Again, non-greasy and mildly scented. This one is great.. but it isn’t as thick as the Radiant Moisture lotion. 

Once I could finally stand to take a nice, long, warm bath I did! Little trick I learned from Hubs- taking a warm shower/bath takes the sting out of the burn for us. I don’t know why and I don’t know why I tried it the first time he told me about it. But I tried it.. and he was right!! So I grabbed my bath gear and very, very carefully hopped in. Lol

I’m a huge fan of bubble bath! Baths just aren’t the same without bubbles. I will change my mind about a bath if I find out there is no bubble bath (not even in the boys bathroom!). I’m not a huge fan of vanilla scents; however, i wanted something subtle. So I chose Vanilla Cream Bubble Bath, which I think I paid $2 or $3 for. I didn’t want an overvearing scent… I had enough to deal with Lol

For obvious reasons, I decided on Supreme Nourishment Body Wash for tub time. Anything with words “supreme nourishment” are worth as shot when you’re as sunburned as I am! Lol The scent wasn’t my favorite, but still very subtle and soothing. 

Below is my “end result”. Hubby didn’t want his picture taken (he’s peeling!!) Lol I did not edit the picture in any way. And you actually can see a little bit of “peelage” on my nose. I can’t even say how happy I am that I had all of these products readily available in my home. The struggle to wear clothes had been real (as anyone who has gotten sunburned can imagine!) So it was nice to have what we all needed, kids included. Next beach trip will (hopefully) be a blog about how to avoid getting too much sun at the beach! Lol But just in case you got too much sun too, check out my web site for most of these products 🙂

Click on my picture to see all thing Bug Guard related on my web site. Bug Guard has some great SPF lotions for kids, as well as insect repellant (that even repells sand fleas) if you’re planning your first beach trip of the year! 

And yes, the shirt is one of my new favorite things from Avon. Click below to see it now!

Striped Off-the-Shoulder Top